Teeth Whitening in Romford, Essex

For a smile that explodes
132 Gubbins Lane, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0DP

Cosmetic Dentistry » Teeth Whitening

Healthy teeth can pick up staining in various ways. Some foods and drinks, smoking, general ageing and certain medications are the usual suspects when considering why your teeth may not be as bright as before or as sparkly as you want them to be.

If you look around, you can find many products such as toothpastes, creams, strips, etc, that claim to 'whiten' your teeth but, unfortunately, they don't tend to produce any real results.

If you are looking for an effective, predictable, safe and lasting solution, Naidu & Naidu offer whitening services using Enlighten 'Evolution' & Zoom! Whitening systems.

1. Zoom! Whitening

Here your teeth are whitened in the dental chair. A protective barrier is placed on your gums and lips, and a gel is placed on your teeth. A lamp is positioned over the teeth and this activates the bleaching process. After one hour you can expect your teeth to look a few shades brighter and is a popular choice with many patients who have an important event coming up where they want to look their best.

2. Enlighten 'Evolution3' Whitening

At Naidu & Naidu, we are proud to offer the world's leading whitening system, Enlighten 'Evolution3' Whitening!

Hand-made lightweight whitening trays are made especially for you to fit snugly over your teeth. You will also be provided with 'Tooth Serum' to prepare your teeth for the whitening procedure.

Using these custom-made trays, whitening gels can be applied for a few hours during the day or night. Results are usually seen over 2 weeks and your teeth will appear whiter and brighter whilst keeping a natural, tooth-coloured appearance. We also provide an 'Instant Power Whitening' session during which your dentist will use your whitening trays to deliver a special whitening gel to give your smile a boost!

The degree of whitening varies from person to person and we also advise on an aftercare maintenance regime to make sure your new smile stays brighter for longer. But it's important to remember that only natural teeth will whiten, therefore if you are planning any other dental improvements e.g. veneers, white fillings, etc, it would be best to have the whitening done first so that we can match them to your brand new shade. It is also for this reason that any crowns, bridges, veneers or white fillings may require replacement after whitening treatment. If you have any questions, please ask your dentist.


This patient had her teeth brightened with the Enlighten System just in time for graduation! She’s now planning to straighten her teeth with Six Month Smiles!

Enlighten can even brighten up teeth that have naturally stained and discoloured over several years...